Four little words that are stealing away your true power (audio blog)
Hello, hello it’s Nicolette Stinson, Feminine Embodiment Coach here to chat about 4 little words that steal your power, my experience with these 4 little words and how you can take your power back from the disempowering stories that might be playing out in your experience and I’m here with a little bit of a new format for you. I’ve decided to start creating podcast style audio blogs. I’ve been drawn to creating a podcast over the last year or so and as a way to ease into that and test out the audio waters I decided to make it a little easier on myself and start creating these audio blogs and perhaps one day they will morph into an official podcast for you.
What is feminine embodiment coaching? (+ a powerful coaching question for you)
You know when you're out and about in the world and someone asks what you do?
This has been happening to me a quite a bit recently and I of course say "I'm an embodiment coach!" and then my little bubble of a world pops and I have this moment of realizing what I do is usually pretty foreign (and maybe even a little weird) to the average person. 😂
Embodiment can be difficult to wrap words around and it's definition and practices even varies from practitioner to practitioner.
So I thought today I would answer the question..... what exactly is feminine embodiment coaching and why might one benefit from it?
Here's the breakdown if you're confused......
Finding Flow and Fulfillment Through Unpredictable or Inconvenient Experiences
Do you sometimes find your emotions and energies inconvenient? Or do you find yourself wishing you could expect and plan for a desirable energy or mood each and every day?
How To Discover and Say “YES” to Your Joy
Have you ever felt disconnected from your joy but thought you had to keep doing things the same way? Maybe at the same time you were telling yourself that you had a good life so you shouldn’t desire more?
Whether it be in intimate relationships, career, finances, loving your body or anywhere in life......